01 Financial accounts by financial instrument and sector

In case data are not applicable or no values exist in the respective period, blank values are used in the table.

Available row or column fields and data fields
Revaluation and other adjustments (in millions of euro)
Transactions (in millions of euro)
[Filter area headers]
Filter area
Available row or column fields and data fields
Year - filter used
[Row area headers]
Row area
Available row or column fields and data fields
Side of the balance sheet
Financial instrument
[Column area headers]
Column area
Available row or column fields and data fields
[Data area headers]
Data area
Available row or column fields and data fields
Stocks (in millions of euro)
Year - filter used[Filtered]
Stocks (in millions of euro)
[Collapse]Total economy(Ascending)[Filter]
[Collapse]Subsector - 1st level(Ascending)
2nd level(Ascending)
Side of the balance sheet(Ascending)[Filter]
[Collapse]Financial instrument - 1st level(Ascending)[Filter]
[Collapse]2nd level(Ascending)
3rd level(Ascending)
[Collapse]III / 2024
[Expand]II / 2024
[Expand]I / 2024
[Expand]IV / 2023
[Expand]III / 2023
[Expand]II / 2023
[Expand]I / 2023
[Expand]IV / 2022
[Expand]III / 2022
[Expand]II / 2022
[Expand]I / 2022
[Expand]IV / 2021
[Expand]III / 2021
[Expand]II / 2021
[Expand]I / 2021
[Expand]IV / 2020
[Expand]III / 2020
[Expand]II / 2020
[Expand]I / 2020
[Expand]IV / 2019
[Expand]III / 2019
[Expand]II / 2019
[Expand]I / 2019
[Expand]IV / 2018
[Expand]III / 2018
[Expand]II / 2018
[Expand]I / 2018
[Expand]IV / 2017
[Expand]III / 2017
[Expand]II / 2017
[Expand]I / 2017
[Expand]IV / 2016
[Expand]III / 2016
[Expand]II / 2016
[Expand]I / 2016
[Expand]IV / 2015
[Expand]III / 2015
[Expand]II / 2015
[Expand]I / 2015
[Collapse]ASSETS (total)
188 924 65 260 251 032 246 296 241 166 236 648 233 421 229 967 227 319 223 773 220 140 216 298 213 807 204 068 197 845 194 596 189 876 188 403 184 336 174 867 176 947 177 003 173 660 173 992 171 030 169 707 168 206 168 064 171 605 166 701 165 436 163 446 161 172 159 498 159 587 155 317 151 673 151 460 148 666 147 687
[Expand]Monetary gold and special drawing rights
1 042 537 1 554 1 523 1 477 1 477 1 459 1 481 1 468 1 516 1 495 1 464 1 430 1 389 607 599 616 635 634 614 588 593 560 545 533 509 521 515 518 522 527 554 542 555 557 531 515 516 528 545
[Expand]Currency and deposits
49 449 16 394 65 661 64 740 62 546 62 601 61 819 61 824 62 260 60 353 59 685 57 487 55 556 55 358 54 183 53 877 52 564 51 072 49 398 45 363 45 864 45 223 45 030 45 965 45 442 45 149 45 946 46 504 49 470 47 801 48 898 48 218 48 064 48 264 48 977 47 273 46 524 47 419 46 312 45 754
[Expand]Debt securities
21 796 12 278 33 479 32 820 32 897 31 798 31 127 32 150 30 631 29 714 30 094 30 190 30 921 30 702 30 126 30 380 29 791 29 984 29 383 25 515 26 385 26 568 25 847 25 382 24 362 24 306 23 647 23 231 25 592 24 344 23 233 23 356 23 822 22 199 22 542 21 223 20 282 19 144 18 456 18 356
31 508 8 450 38 555 37 583 37 739 37 653 37 017 36 989 37 206 37 619 36 688 36 195 36 052 35 922 35 717 35 398 35 152 35 771 35 080 35 222 35 371 35 803 35 890 35 731 35 742 35 743 34 517 35 123 34 874 34 940 34 592 34 635 33 854 34 225 34 080 33 104 32 421 33 139 32 877 32 847
[Expand]Equity and investment fund shares or units
55 236 23 057 76 336 75 279 73 418 71 279 69 834 66 499 64 774 63 205 61 839 61 005 60 845 52 089 50 519 48 541 46 903 45 907 44 666 43 248 43 372 43 323 42 547 42 390 41 431 40 557 39 972 40 357 39 660 38 770 37 855 37 151 35 624 35 056 34 335 34 384 33 976 33 567 33 031 32 751
[Expand]Insurance, pension and standardised guarantees
10 397 29 10 024 9 660 9 008 8 348 8 193 7 766 7 426 7 177 7 114 7 591 7 826 7 453 7 252 6 951 6 690 6 282 6 054 5 590 5 994 5 716 5 454 5 257 4 875 4 902 4 635 4 463 4 424 4 186 4 033 3 934 3 761 3 593 3 429 3 310 3 157 3 005 2 962 2 925
[Expand]Financial derivatives and employee stock options
73 29 133 77 136 152 257 344 489 394 302 354 294 427 158 264 217 240 251 302 379 429 351 378 328 279 283 194 244 286 351 413 726 541 641 607 639 624 619 772
[Expand]Other accounts receivable/payable
19 424 4 486 25 289 24 613 23 945 23 341 23 714 22 913 23 066 23 794 22 925 22 012 20 883 20 727 19 284 18 587 17 944 18 511 18 869 19 012 18 996 19 348 17 981 18 344 18 318 18 262 18 687 17 676 16 824 15 854 15 948 15 184 14 779 15 065 15 027 14 886 14 159 14 045 13 881 13 738
[Collapse]LIABILITIES (total)
197 734 56 451 251 032 246 296 241 166 236 648 233 421 229 967 227 319 223 773 220 140 216 298 213 807 204 068 197 845 194 596 189 876 188 403 184 336 174 867 176 947 177 003 173 660 173 992 171 030 169 707 168 206 168 064 171 605 166 701 165 436 163 446 161 172 159 498 159 587 155 317 151 673 151 460 148 666 147 687
[Expand]Monetary gold and special drawing rights
537 1 042 1 554 1 523 1 477 1 477 1 459 1 481 1 468 1 516 1 495 1 464 1 430 1 389 607 599 616 635 634 614 588 593 560 545 533 509 521 515 518 522 527 554 542 555 557 531 515 516 528 545
[Expand]Currency and deposits
51 214 14 629 65 661 64 740 62 546 62 601 61 819 61 824 62 260 60 353 59 685 57 487 55 556 55 358 54 183 53 877 52 564 51 072 49 398 45 363 45 864 45 223 45 030 45 965 45 442 45 149 45 946 46 504 49 470 47 801 48 898 48 218 48 064 48 264 48 977 47 273 46 524 47 419 46 312 45 754
[Expand]Debt securities
17 574 16 499 33 479 32 820 32 897 31 798 31 127 32 150 30 631 29 714 30 094 30 190 30 921 30 702 30 126 30 380 29 791 29 984 29 383 25 515 26 385 26 568 25 847 25 382 24 362 24 306 23 647 23 231 25 592 24 344 23 233 23 356 23 822 22 199 22 542 21 223 20 282 19 144 18 456 18 356
36 613 3 345 38 555 37 583 37 739 37 653 37 017 36 989 37 206 37 619 36 688 36 195 36 052 35 922 35 717 35 398 35 152 35 771 35 080 35 222 35 371 35 803 35 890 35 731 35 742 35 743 34 517 35 123 34 874 34 940 34 592 34 635 33 854 34 225 34 080 33 104 32 421 33 139 32 877 32 847
[Expand]Equity and investment fund shares or units
61 936 16 357 76 336 75 279 73 418 71 279 69 834 66 499 64 774 63 205 61 839 61 005 60 845 52 089 50 519 48 541 46 903 45 907 44 666 43 248 43 372 43 323 42 547 42 390 41 431 40 557 39 972 40 357 39 660 38 770 37 855 37 151 35 624 35 056 34 335 34 384 33 976 33 567 33 031 32 751
[Expand]Insurance, pension and standardised guarantees
10 345 81 10 024 9 660 9 008 8 348 8 193 7 766 7 426 7 177 7 114 7 591 7 826 7 453 7 252 6 951 6 690 6 282 6 054 5 590 5 994 5 716 5 454 5 257 4 875 4 902 4 635 4 463 4 424 4 186 4 033 3 934 3 761 3 593 3 429 3 310 3 157 3 005 2 962 2 925
[Expand]Financial derivatives and employee stock options
46 56 133 77 136 152 257 344 489 394 302 354 294 427 158 264 217 240 251 302 379 429 351 378 328 279 283 194 244 286 351 413 726 541 641 607 639 624 619 772
[Expand]Other accounts receivable/payable
19 468 4 442 25 289 24 613 23 945 23 341 23 714 22 913 23 066 23 794 22 925 22 012 20 883 20 727 19 284 18 587 17 944 18 511 18 869 19 012 18 996 19 348 17 981 18 344 18 318 18 262 18 687 17 676 16 824 15 854 15 948 15 184 14 779 15 065 15 027 14 886 14 159 14 045 13 881 13 738
- 8 810 8 810 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0


Consultations on data and database usage:

Jūlija Ločmele, phone: 6702 2305

Ilmārs Zaltans, phone: 6702 2491



Financial accounts infographs are available under Latvijas Banka website section "Statistics\Data\Financial accounts\Infographs".


Descriptions, data sources and main principles for compiling quarterly financial accounts are available under the following section of Latvijas Banka website "Statistics\Data\Financial accounts\Descriptions".

Data cubes "03 Debt securities in breakdown by holder and issuer sectors" and "04 Other financial corporation data" are created in the framework of International Monetary Fund's special data dissemination standarts and are in line with the requirements of the International Monetary Fund's Guide for Adherents and Users.

Data publishing calendar

Financial accounts publication dates are available under Latvijas Banka website section "Statistics\Data publishing calendar".

Choose the report file and click the "Upload" button

Data filter

Transactions (in millions of euro)
Revaluation and other adjustments (in millions of euro)
Stocks (in millions of euro)